LAW firm in Lithuania – Price list
If you have questions regarding immigration, we need to sign legal agreement and we do charge 100 Eur advance fee. Afterwards we can answer all questions regarding specific client case and we can tell how much everything will cost to you. Through a series of private consultations we will ascertain the best strategy for your particular circumstances and work with investment advisors, lawyers and other key professionals to provide the most appropriate international structure for your needs.
Business invitation letter cost from 100 to 600 Eur. Main requirements is to have a place to stay (in Lithuania) and have health insurance (in Lithuania).
Law firm in Lithuania consultation cost 60 Eur per hour.
Other work usually cost 60 Eur per hour.
Price list depends on complexity of the situation, but typical prices are as follows:
ü Prepared contract revisions or changes (up to 3 pages): 100 euros;
ü Procedural document drafted revisions or changes (up to 3 pages): 100 euros;
ü Preparation of various contracts: EUR 200;
ü Establishment of a company: EUR 600;
ü Divorce both spouses agreement:
a) If you collect the documents from the state of outlet: 250 euros;
b) If we collect documents from the state of outlet: 350 euros.
ü Action to the defense appeal against a divorce for the other spouse’s fault: EUR 400;
ü Document preparation on child maintenance: 400 euros;
ü Claims reports, requests, statements on various issues: 100 euros;